August 12, 2015
Saving for a wedding can be a difficult task, no matter what your financial situation may be. It is important to recognize the fact that weddings aren't cheap. In fact, the average cost of a wedding in US is 28,000K. Can you believe that? You can get a brand new car for that money. There is nothing wrong with wanting your special day to be the best day of your life, but it is wise to start thinking about way you save some money by doing simple, everyday things. In the long run they add up - and you can save some extra money to invest it into your honeymoon, or update an old kitchen. Here is a list of 12 ways you can stretch that buck, and ensure your wedding saving's fund is up and running.
1. Open a special wedding account.
If you pay for your wedding form one account - you will always have an idea of where you stand financially. You may want to consider opening an account which holds higher interest rate - this way you can save money and earn some extra interest while you're at it.
2. Start saving early.
When I was getting married, my now husband and I agreed that we would each put 1000k in our wedding fund every month, a year prior to our wedding date. Yes, it wasn't an easy things to do in the beginning. However, we paid cash for our wedding, and had some money left over which we spent on a kick-ass honeymoon. No debt = no stress after the wedding.
3. Hide your excitement.
I know what you are thinking. "How can I hide my excitement? This is going to be amazing!" Yes. Yes it will be. But you need to realize that when you are overly excited about booking that special venue or getting the DJ of your dreams is will be very hard to negotiate on price if the vendor sees how excited you are. Try to maintain your cool and negotiate the price as much as you can.
4. Skip your daily cappuccino.
An everyday trip to Starbucks can cost you 5 bucks. That doesn't seem a lot, but when you look at it in the big picture, the numbers show a different story.
If you are able to save $5 everyday, here is what the saving will look like in a week: $35, in a month: $140, in a year: $1,680... Yep... You will save 1,680.
5. Cook at home.
It is super wise to cut down on takeout and begin cooking a little bit more often. Not only you control what goes in your body, but you are also saving A TON of money in the process. It is a win win.
6. Take leftovers from the night before to work.
This is my absolute favorite, and I have been personally doing this for over 2 years now. Mike and I always cook 4 portions for dinner the night before. This way we both have left overs for the next day to take to work. And while my co-workers are running to Subway or buying Panera, I am enjoying a home cooked meal AND saving money.
7. Go to the movies on Tuesdays.
Typical weekend movie ticket prices are the highest during the weekend. Not to mention you have to deal with the crowds and arriving early to secure your seat. Going to movies on Tuesdays saves you an average of $2 a ticket.
8. Change your phone plan.
The phone plan which you signed up for a while ago may not be the best one anymore. Ask yourself, "Do I really need 1000 minutes per month, when I text more than I talk on the phone?". I downgraded my phone from unlimited data to 3GB of data, saved 20 bucks in the process, and haven't looked back since.
9. Track your expenses.
Keep a thorough record of your expenses, this way you know exactly how much you are spending and where your dollars are going. It is easy to blow your money when they are not being accounted for anything. By keeping track of how much money goes where you will be able to see exactly where you need to cut down.
10. Change your gym membership.
If you are paying for your gym membership 100$/ month - you're doing it wrong. I am a firm believer in working out daily and looking / feeling good about yourself ALL the time, not just to prep for the wedding. However, do you really need to pay 100$ for a gym membership when you aren't even using half of their facilities anyways? I used to have a membership with NY Sportsclub and was paying 70$ / month. Then I though to myself, "Why I am paying 70 bucks a month if I never use their pool, rarely take classes, never ordered a massage and probably never will." I cancelled the membership and joined a 20$/month gym.
11. Wait for sales.
Bridal vendors typically have sales in the winter when their business is hitting the slower spot. Wait to do all of the major wedding shopping until then. New bridal dresses are released during early Spring and early Fall. Some retailers host sales prior to releasing new dresses to the public.
12. DIY, DIY, DIY.
I LOVE ANYTHING/EVERYTHING DIY. Instead of speeding $500 for wedding invitations, my husband and I actually made our own! Since getting married on the beach, we have decided to do the whole "message in a bottle" theme, and the invites looked AWESOME!
If you have some extra time on your hand and don't mind getting creative - this is a wonderful opportunity to spend some time with your future hubby to be, while doing something fun together.
From my personal experience, saving for a wedding is 20% knowledge and 80% behavior. All it takes is getting started and a little bit of discipline. Track your spendings and cut out unnecessary expenses and you will be well ahead of the pack.
Until next time, Anna M. :)
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